Adrian Heredia

Adrian is a native of Ventura County and has resided in the area for over 40 years. He has had a passion to help his community and people in need with a tremendous amount of volunteer hours to various betterment groups and non-profit organizations. Adrian has a personal drive to work with and assist individuals with drug addiction. His extensive background and personal experience in this area makes Adrian a great asset to the Narconon Ojai Team. Adrian has been entrusted with establishing and ensuring the organization’s viability and success by maintaining the standards set by local, state and federal governing bodies. He is a Registered Drug and Alcohol Technician and works to protect the center with his security team and his sidekick Apollo (the Drug Dog.) He spends his free time volunteering, coaching and playing soccer in Ventura County leagues. Other pastimes include snowboarding, mountain biking and jet skiing.

Adrian Heredia in Alcohol Abuse
June 13, 2019

Alcohol & Benzos—Withdrawal That Might Kill You

Many people are surprised to learn that in most cases withdraw from opiates, cocaine, meth, and ecstasy are not fatal and do not require a medical detox. There are two drugs that require professional medical help when withdrawing from as withdrawal symptoms can become life-threatening.


Physical Signs of Opioid Addiction and Abuse

How can you determine if someone is addicted to opioids? The signs of opioid abuse may be hard to see, especially in someone you care about. This is a question that has long been asked and unfortunately, sometimes the answer comes too late.


Adrian Heredia in Alcohol Abuse
May 9, 2019

The Painkiller Epidemic

Prescription Drugs For the last two decades, doctors have been handing out painkillers almost with abandon. Not only was severe, life-ending pain treated with these addictive substances, but also chronic, moderate pain like knee pain and low-back pain.


Rehab for Execs, Artists and Athletes

People who lose everything to addiction are not always scruffy, poorly-dressed individuals living on the margins of society. Wealthy, high profile individuals may also fall to this problem.


Adrian Heredia in Drug Use
April 18, 2019

Drugs and Creativity

There is some false information that has been spread through word of mouth and unfortunately by some famous artists. This is that drugs induce or assist in creative thought when trying to create on your art.


Adrian Heredia in Opioids
April 14, 2019

Life Changing

We are honored to announce another graduate completing the Narconon Program. We have seen the transformation right in front of our eyes and we are so excited for her to begin her journey.


Adrian Heredia in Alcohol Abuse
March 12, 2019

A New Beginning

“When I first arrived at Narconon Ojai, I had no idea what was in store for me and to say the least I was doubtful. I had been to three prior rehabs, all ending with the same results—failure and immediate relapse.…“


Adrian Heredia in Alcohol Abuse
February 18, 2019

Alcohol — America’s Drug of Choice

It is thrown in our face in every other commercial, in almost every movie, on billboards, in flashing lights, in magazines, and just about everywhere you turn. It’s the idea of having a cold brew, a shot on the rocks, or a martini — shaken not stirred.