Narconon Blog


Ren in News
December 23, 2021

New Study Finds Half of Alcohol Consumers Cannot Safely Measure Their Level of Intoxication

It’s a known fact that alcohol consumption impairs one’s awareness of self, making the individual a poor judge of their physical abilities and tolerance. With that in mind, it’s quite concerning but not surprising that a new study found upwards of 50% of drinkers believe they are sober enough to drive when they are not.


How to Get Sober and Stay Sober: 3 Years of Sobriety Success Story

It’s been 3 years since graduating from Narconon, Ojai. I am thankful everyday to the staff for the tremendous jobs that they do. I am also thankful for my wife and family who have stuck by me through this entire process.


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
October 1, 2020

Behaviors Associated with Drinking, Result in Unhealthy Diet

It's virtually impossible for a person to become addicted to drugs or alcohol without causing them to take on other poor health habits. While this has been known for years, an Australian study that examined excessive drinking and unhealthy diets further proved the point.


Jessica Bradham in Illicit drugs
March 21, 2018

Alcohol: It’s Legal, But Is It Safe?

Alcohol has been used and normalized in just about every country, state, city and town around the world and different areas have different uses for alcohol in their culture. Some might use alcohol to represent a religious belief, while others use it to kill off bacteria.


Sue Birkenshaw in Drug Abuse
September 12, 2016

Music Festivals —Are All the Attendees High?

A look at the history of music festivals and the drug use that often accompanies them. Yet at some festivals in recent years, groups of attendees are going sober.