Narconon Blog
Alcohol & Benzos—Withdrawal That Might Kill You
Many people are surprised to learn that in most cases withdraw from opiates, cocaine, meth, and ecstasy are not fatal and do not require a medical detox. There are two drugs that require professional medical help when withdrawing from as withdrawal symptoms can become life-threatening.
Alcohol — America’s Drug of Choice
It is thrown in our face in every other commercial, in almost every movie, on billboards, in flashing lights, in magazines, and just about everywhere you turn. It’s the idea of having a cold brew, a shot on the rocks, or a martini — shaken not stirred.
Which Drugs Are Most Damaging?
This is a tricky question, indeed. Different drugs create such different effects that comparing them would be like comparing apples to ostriches and oil wells. A group of UK scientists found a way around this puzzle and came up with a system of comparison for many of today’s illicit drugs.…
What Does an Addicted Person Look Like?
There are probably a lot of people who think they can spot an addicted person. What they may not realize is that one in twelve Americans is dependent on or abusing substances like alcohol or heroin and they may not be so easy to identify.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Shifts Attack to Women, Rural Areas
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Shifts Attack to Women, Rural Areas In the last few decades, we have seen drug abuse shift its epicenters from inner cities to metropolitan areas in general, and then to suburbs and small towns.
The World’s Ten Most Addictive Drugs
Narconon outlines the ten most addictive substances in the world.