Fabian Padro in Drug Use
June 22, 2023

Drug Testing: Urine vs Blood

What can you do if you suspect that your family member or associate is using drugs? One possibility to consider is drug testing the individual.


Fabian Padro in Drug Use
May 18, 2023

5 Ways To Set Healthy Boundaries With People Who Have Addiction Issues

When dealing with individuals who have addiction issues, setting boundaries can be an important part of maintaining your own mental health and well-being. However, it can also be a difficult and emotionally charged process. Here are some tips on how to set boundaries.



Drug Overdoses, Coronavirus and Bringing in 2022…

Where are we headed in 2022? More people are dying from Drug Overdoses than ever before, even surpassing Coronavirus deaths, and states in our Nation’s Bible Belt is the leading Marijuana producer...


Ren in Drug Use
April 2, 2020

The Ten Most Lethal Drugs in the U.S.

All mind-altering drugs have the potential to be quite dangerous. But some tend to be more lethal than others. What are they, and what can families do to protect their loved ones?


Adrian Heredia in Drug Use
April 18, 2019

Drugs and Creativity

There is some false information that has been spread through word of mouth and unfortunately by some famous artists. This is that drugs induce or assist in creative thought when trying to create on your art.


Ren in Drug Use
July 5, 2018

The Urban Drug Scene

The inner city, “bad neighborhood” drug scene used to look like something out of a B-rate movie or documentary following a minority’s struggle or perhaps a rapper’s rise to fame and freedom from the ghetto. And in a lot of ways, the urban drug scene still looks a lot like this.