Narconon Blog
Alcohol Addiction Linked to 232 Million Missed Workdays Annually
A new study found strong evidence of a connection between alcohol addiction and a shocking number of missed workdays in the United States. These findings suggest a need for an increased focus on treating alcohol addiction, given that the crisis is both a medical problem and an economic one.
Behaviors Associated with Drinking, Result in Unhealthy Diet
It's virtually impossible for a person to become addicted to drugs or alcohol without causing them to take on other poor health habits. While this has been known for years, an Australian study that examined excessive drinking and unhealthy diets further proved the point.
Is Alcohol the Next Addiction Crisis for Young Adults?
Young people are the future of the nation, and their health and well-being must be protected. And while studies show that alcohol addiction statistics are on the rise for all age groups, the rate of death among young people and middle-aged adults is rising rapidly.
Being an Addict
An addict feels like he is traveling on the loneliest road ever taken, but in fact, he rarely finds himself actually alone. Even when he is homeless and living on the streets in the cold winter nights, somewhere there are people who care and a family who mourns his absence and his struggles.
Alcohol & Benzos—Withdrawal That Might Kill You
Many people are surprised to learn that in most cases withdraw from opiates, cocaine, meth, and ecstasy are not fatal and do not require a medical detox. There are two drugs that require professional medical help when withdrawing from as withdrawal symptoms can become life-threatening.
The Painkiller Epidemic
Prescription Drugs For the last two decades, doctors have been handing out painkillers almost with abandon. Not only was severe, life-ending pain treated with these addictive substances, but also chronic, moderate pain like knee pain and low-back pain.
A New Beginning
“When I first arrived at Narconon Ojai, I had no idea what was in store for me and to say the least I was doubtful. I had been to three prior rehabs, all ending with the same results—failure and immediate relapse.…“
Alcohol — America’s Drug of Choice
It is thrown in our face in every other commercial, in almost every movie, on billboards, in flashing lights, in magazines, and just about everywhere you turn. It’s the idea of having a cold brew, a shot on the rocks, or a martini — shaken not stirred.
Why Every Parent Sending a Kid Off to College Should Read this Book First
The accounting from a former college student reveils the true story of alcohol and drug abuse on college campuses.
Want to Protect Your Heart? Easy—No Heavy Drinking
You’ve probably heard or read many times that alcohol is supposed to have health benefits. At the same time, you undoubtedly know that many people have lost their health to overconsumption of alcohol .