Narconon Blog
Cannabis Use and Unemployment
Is there a connection between cannabis use and unemployment?
Is it Possible to Experience Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms?
For years, the consensus has been that marijuana does not produce withdrawal symptoms. New research suggests otherwise. If marijuana produces withdrawal symptoms, is it time to consider marijuana an addictive drug?
The Blunt Truth about Marijuana
Marijuana is one of the most abused drugs in the world. There is an ever-growing gap between the latest science about marijuana and the myths surrounding it. Some people think that since it is legal in some places, it must be safe. But your body doesn’t know a legal drug from an illegal drug.
Marijuana Politics
We live in a weird society where people censure you for smoking a cigarette in public but you can smoke marijuana on the street. Pot shops now outnumber Starbucks stores in states such as Colorado and Oregon.
Do We Want to Become “Cannafornia”?
The signs that California has been inundated with marijuana businesses have been there for years. With legalization we can expect even more impact and need for treatment of those who become addicted.
Is Marijuana Really Medicine?
While many states have legalized marijuana for medical use, how many people are really using it for legitimate medical reasons?
Why Kidney Failure Is the Latest Problem Associated with Marijuana Use
Severe uncontrolled vomiting, called cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, can lead to even more serious health issues such as kidney failure.
Tragic Stories Reveal the True Dangers of Marijuana Use
In this country, at this time, there are millions of people who don’t think that marijuana is harmful. Yet these three stories reveal the truth about what marijuana can really do to a person.
The New Millennium of Marijuana: More Potent, More Available, More Profitable
It’s no good thinking of marijuana like it’s 1967 or even 1985 because what we have now bears absolutely no resemblance to what we had then . The current climate of commercialization has driven enormous changes.
The Impressive Benefits of Quitting Marijuana
There’s no denying the fact that marijuana use is becoming “normalized” in the United States. This means that it is more important than ever to understand the effects of using marijuana and what benefits might occur if one stops.