Fabian Padro in Narconon Success Story
December 9, 2021

I Have Won a Fight that Was Worth Fighting

In August of this year, my life was spiraling out of control. I realized that if I continued to live the way I was living, I would soon lose everything I had worked so hard to obtain. My wife, my children, my career and my health were all at risk, and it was time that I “got up from the floor” and fought back.


Ren in Professionals and addiction
December 2, 2021

Drug Addiction Among Finance Professionals

One common belief about drug addiction is that such addictions only occur in people who are unemployed, impoverished, or already beset with a serious life crisis. Contrary to that notion, anyone can struggle with addiction, including business professionals and finance experts.


Ren in Professionals and addiction
October 28, 2021

Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Aviation

Substance abuse negatively affects every American industry through critical harms like: Lost productivity. Workplace accidents. Injuries. Missed work. Excessive sick days. Low morale. Interpersonal conflicts. Increased illness.


Ren in Drug Abuse
September 23, 2021

The Myth of Functional Addiction

Drug and alcohol addiction are serious crises of the body and mind that can affect anyone. Even managers and business owners, persons who appear to be doing well in their chosen careers, can fall prey to addiction.


How to Get Sober and Stay Sober: 3 Years of Sobriety Success Story

It’s been 3 years since graduating from Narconon, Ojai. I am thankful everyday to the staff for the tremendous jobs that they do. I am also thankful for my wife and family who have stuck by me through this entire process.