Narconon Blog
The Myth of Functional Addiction
Drug and alcohol addiction are serious crises of the body and mind that can affect anyone. Even managers and business owners, persons who appear to be doing well in their chosen careers, can fall prey to addiction.
My Child is a Drug Addict: What Can I Do?
If you have a son or daughter addicted to drugs or alcohol, you might feel helpless and exasperated with not even a glimmer of hope that anything can be done. As someone who was addicted to drugs or alcohol for nearly 20 years, and after having many near-death experiences and landing in prison for many years, I can honestly say that there are many things you can do—and many things you shouldn’t do.
Help For Families: What to Do When the Head of the Household Is Addicted
While addiction doesn’t mix well with anyone, addiction and parents can be particularly distressing to deal with, especially when the addicted parent is the primary income provider. Fortunately, there are things that family members can do when the head of the household is addicted.
The Stress of Leadership: What to Do When it Causes Addiction in Executives
Drug addiction and abuse is a growing problem today and a concern with business executives as the stress of their job can lead to substance abuse issues.
What’s the Real Reason So Many Artists and Actors Use Drugs?
In the field of the arts, it’s far too common for our beloved actors, musicians , artists and writers to suffer the destruction of addiction to drugs or alcohol. Why are they so often prone to drug and alcohol abuse?
DEA Guide Offers Insight for Parents on Drug Abuse Trends
In June 2017, the Drug Enforcement Administration released its new edition of the Drugs of Abuse guideline which provides a guideline for parents on drugs their kids could be abusing.
The Terrible Toll Drugs Take on Small Children
Drug use is hard on everyone, from the individual who can’t stop using them to their parents, siblings and close friends. But it might be harder on small children than anyone else.
What Stole Our Beloved Carrie Fisher Away?
Following the tragedy of Carrie Fisher’s death, the toxicology report shed detailed light on the way her toxic cocktail of drugs contributed to her death.
Drug Use in the Culture of Surfers and Skaters
Surfers and skaters like many other athletes have their troubles with drug abuse and addiction. Does the culture in which live and compete make them more prone than others?

Children of Affluent Families May Be More Likely to Fall into Drug Abuse
Study finds that children in suburban, upper-middle-class families were actually more likely to use drugs and struggle with emotional problems than their inner city counterparts.