Karen Hadley in Drug Rehab
April 26, 2016

Four Ways Most Addicted People Reject Rehab

When a family begs an addicted loved one to go to rehab and are met with a refusal, it’s baffling. It’s still possible to help this person arrive at rehab if you understand what’s actually going on.


Sue Birkenshaw in Drug Rehab
December 10, 2015

Holiday Wish for Families of an Addict

For most people, the holidays are a time for getting together with friends and family, for exchanging gifts and setting beautiful tables groaning with good food. For those families with an addicted loved one, holidays can be pure torture.


Sue Birkenshaw in Addiction
November 14, 2015

How to Help Someone Who is Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol

One of the most frustrating things is to find a loved one addicted to drugs or alcohol and not know how to help them. Very seldom is the addict reaching for help or even willing to admit they have a problem.