Sue Birkenshaw in opioid abuse
June 19, 2017

Deadly Fentanyl Can Now be Found Just About Anywhere

There’s one thing you can be sure of when it comes to the illicit drug market: It always changes. A drug that someone has been using for years could be replaced with a markedly different substance without warning.


Sue Birkenshaw in opioid abuse
June 1, 2017

Is the Focus on Opioid Fatalities too Narrow?

While the opioid crisis must be addressed on an emergency basis, we must not lose sight of the broader issue of preventing any drug abuse from occurring.


Sue Birkenshaw in opioid abuse
April 20, 2017

Pill Presses and our Opioid Epidemic

Unless you are a pharmacist or have a company manufacturing drugs or nutritional supplements, you’ve probably never given any thought to the idea of buying a pill press. Yet as the drug trade focuses more on counterfeit prescription painkillers such as Xanax, OxyContin, Roxicodone, the illegal sale and distribution of pill presses has been on the increase.


Sue Birkenshaw in opioid abuse
April 17, 2017

The Irony of Medication-Assisted Treatment

Treating addiction to one drug by giving a person a second drug is not a new concept. But the question remains, do substitute drugs just give a person a new addiction?


Sue Birkenshaw in opioid abuse
April 9, 2017

Illicit Fentanyl from China Is Killing Americans

Part II of Why Fentanyl? Why Now? Illicit forms of fentanyl are being imported into the US from China and threatening the lives of opioid addicts. Learn what you can do to help prevent addiction and fatalities from this and other drugs.


Sue Birkenshaw in opioid abuse
April 9, 2017

Why Fentanyl? Why Now?

If you’re involved in drug rehabilitation or prevention in any way, you’ve heard of fentanyl. You’ve probably heard of fentanyl if all you’re doing is reading the newspaper. For the second time, fentanyl is making headlines by taking American lives by the scores.


Sue Birkenshaw in opioid abuse
April 4, 2017

Yet Another Young Athlete Lost to an Opioid Overdose

The story of another young college athlete who lost his life from an overdose. Nick Roberts a star athlete at University of Pennsylvania was found dead on campus after an accidental overdose of fentanyl.


Sue Birkenshaw in opioid abuse
March 31, 2017

The Close Association Between Marijuana and Opioids

A short video casts a whole new light on the relationship between marijuana and opiates/opioids like heroin, fentanyl, oxycodone and hydrocodone.


Sue Birkenshaw in opioid abuse
March 13, 2017

The Normalization of Marijuana Use in America

Following a decades long campaign and legalization in several states, Marijuana is being “normalized” in the minds of Americans, despite the risks and damage it can cause.


Sue Birkenshaw in opioid abuse
February 4, 2017

Signs Our Opioid Epidemic is Not Yet Under Control

If you’re tuned to the right media channels, you’ve been hearing about the American epidemic of opioid consumption for the last five or six years. Current news stories reveal that we are not yet close to resolving the national epidemic of opioid and other drug overdoses.