40+ Days of Sobriety with No Cocaine. My Decisions Are Mine!

Besides obtaining 40+ days of sobriety with no cocaine, I’ve identified or reflected on all it has taken from me. To better articulate it, put it on “pause” for real enjoyment and satisfaction. The health issues or injuries experienced during active addiction that I’m confident and determined to not replicate became clear during the Objective phase. I’m pleasantly surprised and grateful that I enrolled and gave myself a second chance at life by coming to Narconon Ojai.
“I’m pleasantly surprised and grateful that I enrolled and gave myself a second chance at life by coming to Narconon Ojai.”
Orientating and fully being aware of and knowing my environment and surroundings are once again second nature. I’m blessed to have concisely identified the genuine family and friends who not only are my priority of individual’s going forward on my life’s journey but will also act as my tight-knit support system and reembrace me to stay sober and lead the most fulfilled, successful existence I can. I look forward to the future and enjoying every minute of the present. Life will be what I make of it again.
My decisions are mine!
I’m going to attack life again like I once did with the intensity of the ultimate warrior once brought to the ring each bout.
Two things I always know or count on:
1. The sun will come up tomorrow
2. The garbage will get picked up.
And now I can add:
3. I know how cocaine can take ahold of me and my highly addictive personality that only will lead to a worse version of myself.
I love myself and life. Need to keep moving forward and win one day at a time. Stay humble and smile.
Life will work out and be great.
I’m blessed.
JM, Narconon Ojai Student